A flow diagram representing the 8 phases the DevOps pipeline, with security baked into each phase.

Shifting Left: DevSecOps as an Approach to Building Secure Applications

So far in the Introduction to DevOps series, we’ve covered what DevOps is at a high-level and what the practice aims to achieve. We then broke down the DevOps pipeline into phases to get a better understanding of how a DevOps pipeline hangs together as well as some common terminology. If you haven’t already go check them out first 👇 Part 1: What is DevOps? Part 2: The Eight Phases of a DevOps Pipeline...

18 July 2019 | 6 min | 1066 words | Jakob Pennington
A figure of 8 loop representing the DevOps pipeline, including continuous integration and continuous deployment.

The Eight Phases of a DevOps Pipeline

In my last article, I covered the basics of DevOps and highlighted the benefits that have motivated so many organisations to shift for this new model for software development. This article will build on the last, so if you haven’t already, go check it out 👇 Part 1: What is DevOps? When talking about DevOps, it’s useful to divide the process into phases which come together to make a DevOps pipeline....

18 July 2019 | 10 min | 2023 words | Jakob Pennington
A figure of 8 loop showing the 8 phases of the DevOps lifecycle: Plan, Code, Build, Test, Release, Deploy, Operate, Monitor.

What is DevOps?

DevOps as a philosophy for software development has been around for some time now. It has evolved from being a buzzword, the new hip thing in software development, to a tried and tested practice by organisations of all sizes. But, for people and organisations who are considering DevOps or have recently adopted a DevOps approach, it can be difficult to see the benefits of DevOps and how it works in practice....

18 July 2019 | 6 min | 1114 words | Jakob Pennington