A graphic showing a Build Succeeded notification on a mobile phone.

Add Notifications to your AWS CI/CD Pipeline

This post is Part 3 in a 🤷-Part series on CI/CD in AWS. Go check out my other posts to see how we got here: Part 1: Deploy a Single-Page Application (SPA) to AWS Part 2: Automated Build / Deploy with AWS CodePipeline In the last post, we set up a simple CI/CD pipeline that deploys our codebase into production each time new code is merged into the production codebase. This is great, but once we kick off a build we have two options:...

5 August 2018 | 5 min | 1001 words | Jakob Pennington
A graphic showing the Angular logo on a Super Mario Bros. background.

Automated Build / Deploy with AWS CodePipeline

In my last post, I showed how you can deploy a Single Page Application to AWS using AWS’ S3, CloudFront and Route 53. This post picks up where the last one left off, so if you haven’t read it, go check it out! This time, we’ll be improving our DevOps by building a basic CI/CD pipeline. Since we’re already using AWS to host our site, it makes sense to keep using their services since they do integrate well together (That’s how they get you!...

22 July 2018 | 7 min | 1291 words | Jakob Pennington
A graphic showing the Angular, AWS CloudFront, AWS Route 53 and AWS S3 logos.

Deploy a Single Page Application (SPA) to AWS

Recently, I made a simple personal website — a hub for my online presences and a place to share my personal projects. I developed the site using the Angular CLI, and when it came time to host the site, I chose AWS since my domain was already set up in Route 53. Overall, the process of building the application and hosting it on AWS was a fairly simple one (you could probably set the whole thing up in about an hour), but there were a couple of gotchyas that prompted me to write down the process....

17 July 2018 | 7 min | 1445 words | Jakob Pennington